Participants who want to present an oral or poster presentation must submit an abstract for consideration by the scientific program committee. The submitter must ensure that all authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission. All selected abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceeding with an ISBN number.

Guidelines for the preparation of abstracts:

  1. All abstracts must be in English.
  2. Please do not use abbreviations or references
  3. The abstract title must be in lower case letters.
  4. Abstract category - please select 1 category under which the abstract is to be reviewed after consulting the list of topics

The extended abstract must include the title, author(s), introduction, aims, highlighted results and conclusion. It should be prepared on an A4-sized paper with 3.0cm margins on left sides and 2.5 cm margins on other sides; typed with single spacing using size 12 Times New Roman font. All illustrations must be prepared inside of the main text.